Royal Flying Doctor Service - Queensland Section showcasing the importance of mental health services o communities devastated by tropical cyclone

Thank you for keeping connections
strong in tough times

Thanks to you, we were able to extend mental health services in Far North Queensland to support communities devastated by Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

The category 2 cyclone made landfall on the east coast of Cape York Peninsular on 13 December and flooded many communities across Far North Queensland.

Families have lost their animals, their homes, all their belongings and have been disconnected from services during a time when connection is needed most.

To assist, RFDS Mental Health Clinicians, Stephen, Chrissy, and Jess were able to immediately prioritise providing mental health services across the area including Cooktown, Rossville and Ayton to support flood victims and agencies responding to the event.

The team are providing mental health consultations, telehealth calls and groups sessions to install hope.

“We’re providing psychological first aid,” Stephen said.

“By having a familiar face in the community, locals can sit down and talk about their story of survival and grieve.

“There has been times, even as a clinician, I have cried with them.”

The team have spoken to many members of the Wujal Wujal community who are dispersed across the region after their homes were completely inundated by flood waters.

“There’s a noticeable feeling of loss here,” Jess said.

“There’s a number of houses which have been completely inundated with flood water and are unsalvageable. For Wujal Wujal, even though it’s only 450 kilometers from Cairns, the main roads to it were severely damaged.

RFDS Manager – Far North Mental Health Jos said the RFDS is focused on helping Queenslanders overcome trauma from this event.

“We all process trauma differently, for one individual it could be the natural disaster itself and for others it could be the grief and loss of their belongings,” Jos said.

“At this stage we are really focusing on offering psychological first aid to people- looking at their initial safety, ensuring people are connected and supporting them to feel empowered again.

“We want to give people hope and help them rebuild.”

Our RFDS Far North Mental Health services are delivered in a variety of ways to meet the needs of each specific community, which is essential for improving individual outcomes.

Supporting people living in communities across Far North Queensland, this service provides culturally appropriate, evidence-based, psychological therapies to individuals who present with mild to moderate mental health needs.

Our clinicians are specifically trained and available for individuals to engage in therapeutic sessions to explore solutions and strategies to assist in recovery.

The Royal Flying Doctor Service is a real lifeline for people living in remote parts of our state, particularly when widespread devastation hits.

Because of your compassion, the Flying Doctor can reach out to communities across the heartland. You help us bring vital medical help, respond to emergencies, and offer remote consultations.

But not only that, you enable us to prioritise in times of unexpected hardship. You helped us deliver mental health first aid when it was desperately needed.

With your help, nobody gets left behind in tough times.

Thank you for coming together, building a community, and helping keep connections strong when life feels disconnected.

A Royal Flying Doctor Service illustration depicting a local community receiving primary health care services and a clinic open at a local community hall
RFDS pilot, doctor, and nurse in front of aircraft, ready for a life-saving mission

The Impact You Make

  • Bringing Care to Remote Communities:
    • Your support ensures the RFDS can reach isolated areas, providing vital healthcare.

  • Saving Lives in Emergencies:
    • Your generosity funds emergency medical evacuations, often making the difference between life and death.

  • Supporting Human Connection:
    • Your contribution helps provide crucial mental health support, combating loneliness in the Outback.

  • Delivering Essential Healthcare:
    • From check-ups to specialist care, your donation enables the RFDS to offer a range of healthcare services.

  • Creating Lasting Change:
    • Your support builds sustainable healthcare infrastructure, ensuring a healthier future for remote regions.

  • Thank you for being a vital part of the RFDS family.

Thanks to you

With your support, we provide emergency aeromedical retrievals and primary health care services to more than 240 people every day across Queensland.

Your support will mean that every Queenslander, whether they’re on a remote outback station, or in one of our regional cities, will have access to medical aid, emergency services and other vital health care services.